Minggu, 28 Juni 2015


 how to care for bicycle :

The first step for a creative friend disconnect all accessories attached disepeda us. Wash your bicycle with pressurized water being. And use soap or shampoo to clean the motor. Use floor brush for removing the sludge that accumulates on the sidelines of the tire. And clean the hub, rim, spokes and chain gear. Next rinse with clean water.
The second step is certainly dry your bike as soon as possible with a chamois which easily absorb water. Tilt your bike right and left so that the water is trapped in the frame could come out.
Clean the chain and gear with a degreaser to remove dirt. Wait until dry and then lubricate the chain lubricating fluid.

Obras oil or sewing machine oil is the right choice for bicycle maintenance. Besides being easily obtained, obras oil also has many benefits.
- Can be stubborn rust destroy, then drops just enough oil and wait a few moments, then open.
- Protects bike frame without damaging the paint. This trick ya friend Creative, rub all parts of the bike with a cloth moistened with oil or oil obras this sewing machine. Then set aside some time (5 -10 minutes), then wipe with a dry cloth. Your bike will look wet and shiny.

Give substance coating the frame to protect the frame / order of spark gravel our time riding our bikes on the road.
Poleslah frame / bicycle frame with coconut oil to make it more shiny. Further pairs of all the accessories and checks back loose bolts and tighten. Also check the brakes, gears and lights. And make sure the air pressure in the tires perfectly. Make sure everything has been tepasang properly and tight.

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